Color Picker dialog box

This dialog box lets you choose a color from the full range of possible colors and add it to the color palette. You can use the HLS, RGB, or CMYK models, or you can select from a predefined spot matching color system.

Color Models


The HLS model defines each color by setting its hue, lightness, and saturation attributes.


The RGB model defines each color by the amount of red, green, and blue it contains. Red, green, and blue are the additive primary colors. You define a color by specifying a value from 0 to 255 for each RGB component.


The CMYK model defines each color by the percentage of cyan, magenta, yellow, and black it contains. (The letter K is used to represent black because B represents blue in color models.) You define a color by specifying a value from 0 to 100 for each CYMK component.

These options are used for color models:

Component list

Lists pairs of components for the large color control (for example, Hue - Saturation) that can be set using the large color control.

The third component (for example, Lightness) Can be set using a slider below the large color control.

Large color control

Lets you drag a square to set the values for the two components selected on the component list.


Lets you drag a square to set the value for the third component of the color model.

For CMYK, if manual undercolor removal is allowed, there is a second slider to control black.

Value boxes

Shows the component values as you use the large color control and slider or lets you enter values for each component of a color model.

Undercolor Removal

Lets you change the way Designer normalizes CMYK percentages. You can let Designer automatically adjust the percentages so that the percentage for black is as high as possible. Click 100% for complete normalization, or click Manual Undercolor Removal to prevent Designer from normalizing the percentages and use the black component slider.


Controls the increments for displaying colors, in percentage increments; the choices are 1%, 2%, 4%, 5%, 8%, and 10%. Increasing the grid setting forces the color model values to increase or decrease in larger increments.


Lets you change the resolution of the display in the Color Picker dialog box. The choices are fine, average, and coarse. Coarse, which displays the fewest colors, is the fastest; fine, which displays the most colors, is the slowest.

Spot Color

Spot colors (also called custom colors or solid colors) are predefined colors from a system such as the PANTONEĀ® MATCHING SYSTEM.

Spot color list

Lets you select a spot color type.


Lets you click a color. If Show Names is selected, the color's name is shown next to each color.


Sets a percentage tint value, which is used to indicate a color to be screened as a halftone at color separation. The tint values range from 100% (solid color, no tint) to 0% (no color at all).

To make fine adjustments with the Tint slider, click to the left or to the right of the slide or use the arrow keys. The Tint value decreases or increases by one percentage point.

Show names

Lets you show the names of the colors next to each color.

Original and New Color Buttons

These show the color selected on the Palette Manager dialog box (if any) and the color for the values currently selected or the spot color name from the list. For a color model, you can click in New Color and type a name for the color.

Add and Replace Buttons

Click Add to add the color to the current palette, or Replace to replace the color selected on the palette before the Color Picker was opened.

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Using the Color Picker